Thursday, July 18, 2013


Scouts go ga-ga for the Israeli version of dodgeball

Here’s one for the “unexpected jamboree moments” file.
Yesterday, I happened upon the scene shown in these photos. As the attached sign informed me, it’s ga-ga, an Israeli version of dodgeball played in a octagonal pen.
Participants try to hit other competitors below the knee with a large rubber ball. If you’re hit, you’re out; last ga-ga player standing wins.
This is what I love about jamborees. You hear all about rock climbing, zip-lining, and skateboarding going in, but nobody mentions ga-ga. It’s just another jamboree surprise awaiting Scouts and Venturers around each turn.
I’ll bet most of the Scouts in the octagon yesterday didn’t intend to come over and play ga-ga, but now just try to keep them away.

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