Wednesday, July 17, 2013

It's been another hot one today. The boys are really getting the hang of the routine with going green and sustainability. Most of them have been out of the campsite all day checking out the activities and learning the importance of drinking quarts and quarts of water. Also the importance of sun screen. The patch trading has been furious! I have watched them learn to dicker and shake on deals. Lots of friendships being made. The food has been great. Our home town correspondent, Mitch kennis has his credentials and is meeting with some of the top reporters around to get some stories in the local northern Michigan papers. We have some tired but happy scouts who will be turning the last light off in one hour. Stay tuned for more tomorrow.

Scoutmaster Phil

 Scouts Josh, Ian, and Ben!
 The troop banner hanging proudly!
 A Scout is hungry!
Phone charging station!

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