Monday, July 15, 2013


One day before the start, the Summit overflows with potential energy

The 2013 National Jamboree is a sprinter on the starting blocks, muscles flexed, brimming with the potential energy of things to come. Can you feel it?
Tomorrow morning, the first buses arrive onsite, and that potential energy becomes kinetic. You’ll see it manifesting itself on zip-lines, BMX tracks, skate parks and climbing walls. Friendships will be formed, patches swapped and lives changed (that’s no exaggeration).
But today, things are comparatively quiet. There are bridges waiting to be crossed (literally) and merit badge instructors awaiting their Scout students. Colorful dragon boats, with paint still gleaming, bob idly on a calm lake. The skate park doesn’t have a scratch on it.
Everything is ready; all we need are the Scouts, Venturers and leaders who arrive tomorrow.
I got here today, and even though I was here last year around this time, I recognized little.
I had heard construction took place ’round the clock over the past year, and it shows. This place sparkles, with hidden surprises around every turn.
Put simply, the Summit Bechtel Reserve is a breathtaking piece of property that you absolutely must add to your Scouting bucket list. I can’t wait for you to see it.
Much more to come as I report live from the 2013 jamboree.
Here are a few photos I snapped today:

About the author

Bryan Wendell, an Eagle Scout, is the senior editor of Scouting magazine.
Send Bryan an e-mail with questions, comments, or ideas for blog posts

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